Ok- So I kind of
stole borrowed this idea from
Amber at Eightwentyseventh10-but who doesn't love a good ol' survey. It does bring me back to the MySpace days... And what a good way for you to get to know me a little better.
The ABC's of Me!
A. Age: 28 but I seriously thought I was 27 until I was corrected by my mom about 2 weeks ago.

B. Bed size: Queen....and there is a real fight for Real Estate every night when this big man tries to hop up there and snuggle.
C. Chore you dislike: I do not like to unload the dishwasher- but believe it or not I love to clean....it calms me

D. Dogs: We have 2 dogs- Chill and Lexie. We bought our house as a foreclosure and the dogs had been abandoned there.....They are Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. We love them very much- I mean how could you not love these sweet faces....
E. Essential start to your day: I guess I'll just come on out and say it, a cigarette.... I smoke- I love it but I hate it! I am trying to quit and I'm doing ok I guess- but I do want to stop!- send happy non-smoking prayers my way!

F. Favorite color: I don't have a favorite color and I have decided that that's ok with me :-)

G. Gold or silver: Silver
Ok...no picture for that
H. Height: 5ft 7inches
or this...
I. Instruments you play(ed): I used to play the Piano

J. Job title: I am an assistant manager of sorts for the Quality Control Department at a Color Corporation, and a Wife
K. Kids: Just the doggies right now...but until them- I love looking at these two sweeties (My nieces: Emma Grace and Matty
L. Live: Oxford, GA in a house
N. Nicknames: people at work call me Sunshine
O. Overnight hospital stays: um...2 times
P. Pet peeves: ignorant people. That may sound rude but it really is true that Common Sense isn't all that common.
Q. Quote from a movie: Nobody puts Baby in the corner....

R. Righty or lefty: Righty
S. Siblings: One older brother- Matt....Two younder half sisters- Victoria (17) and Olivia (13)
You will get pictures later.
T. Time you wake up: 5am

U. Underwear: yes, please
You really didn't think you were getting a picture of that, did you?
V. Vegetables you dont’ like: Rutabaga
W. What makes you run late: Trying to make the house look perfect on my way out the door- even though no one will even see it until I walk back in the door. Just a little touch of OCD
X. X-rays you’ve had: I think just the Teeth x-rays at the Dentist.
Y. Yummy food you make: Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty good cook according to my Husband and Family. I think I make Soups the best though. I make a mean Spicy Sausage and Corn Chowder
Z. Zoo animal favorites: Elephants! This will be a post on it's own but I have a thing for Elephants.
So there you have it. I'm already less than a week in and running low on content. Today is my Friday so I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!